Invisible New York: The Hidden Infrastructure of the City

Stanley Greenberg
Stanley Greenberg , 1998
Invisible New York: The Hidden Infrastructure of the City: Stanley Greenberg
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press
Dimensions: 11 X 8.75 Inches
Pages: 90
$ 65.00

Stanley Greenberg worked in New York City government for seven years before becoming a full-time photographer. With a 4 X 5 monorail view camera and using only available light, Greenberg photographed sites in all five of New York's boroughs. Many of the sites are now permanently sealed in the interests of national security. Greenberg's photographs of this hidden city uncover long-forgotten engineering feats, magnificent examples of skilled craftsmanship, and fascinating clues about New York's industrial past, as well as reveal the increasing aesthetic apathy of today's builders. His images chronicle both the beauty and banal necessity of this rich legacy, threatened by public ignorance and bureaucratic indifference. Invisible New York offers a unique perspective on one of the world's great cities and alerts us to the hidden sites and essential facilities found in all cities which are slowly and secretly decaying or disappearing. 


Signed by the artist

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