Artie Van Blarcum

George Tice
George Tice, 1977
Artie Van Blarcum: George Tice
Publisher: Addison House
Dimensions: 8 X 8.5 Inches
Pages: 96
$ 50.00
Like Artie Van Blarcum, George A. Tice is an ex-two-star exhibitor. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1938. When he was fourteen he became interested in photography and joined the Carteret Camera Club. Today his reputation is international, and his photographs are represented in more than fifty institutional collections throughout the world. 
"Out of all the interesting people I know,
I am the least interesting. 
Why would anyone want to do a book about me?"
                                                                                                               Artie Van Blarcum

Signed by the artist 

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